The particular racial or ethnic group(s) you feel a part of may influence your identity.
- This may affect how you dress, the language you use, and the ways you engage or communicate with others from inside and outside your race or ethnic group(s).
- Some people may have advantages in life because of their race or ethnicity while others, because of their race or ethnicity, may face disadvantages and challenges.
- Although establishing racial or ethnic identity may be confusing at times, it can also be empowering and provide you with a sense of self and community.
Things to think about:
- Do you identify with a particular race or ethnicity?
- In what ways do you feel advantaged by your race or ethnicity?
- In what ways do you feel disadvantaged by your race or ethnicity?
- In what ways do you define yourself by what others think or feel about you or how your race or ethnicity is commonly portrayed?
- How does your race or ethnic community influence who you are?
- How does your race or ethnicity impact the other pieces of your identity?