Sexual Harassment & Assault

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Sexual Harassment and Assault

Sexual assault is not about sex. It is an act of violence and power over another person.

1 in 4 women in North America may be sexually assaulted in her lifetime

1 in 6 men may be sexually assaulted before age 18

82% of reported sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim

Statistics for sexual assault are believed to be an underestimate of how often sexual assault actually occurs, as many cases do not get reported.


What is Sexual Assault?

Non-Physical forms of sexual harassment

  • threats
  • Sexual suggestiveness
  • Blackmail
  • Intimidation
  • Exhibitionism

Physical forms of sexual assault

  • Any oral sex, fondling, or intercourse that occurs without consent.
  • Physical assault, such as hitting, choking, being spit on, and/or being held down in a sexual context.
  • Being spit on by a partner is also considered physical assault by law enforcement.
  • If you are unable to consent to sex because you are passed out or highly intoxicated, it is sexual assault.
Transitions: Sexual Harassment or Assault


What is Consent?

  • Consent, where all parties involved are safe from emotional, social, and physical harm, is a critical part of positive sexual encounters. Consent is also critical to the sharing and/or posting of sexual images and/or videos online or through instant messaging.
Navigating Consent


What to do if you think you have been sexually assaulted?

  • Seek help as early as possible and try to avoid showering or washing your clothes first, if you can.
  • Tell a safe and trusted person in your life who can help you seek medical attention and/or help from the authorities.
  • You can also seek help by calling 911 or visiting your local emergency department or clinic.
  • Most importantly, tell someone so that you are not dealing with this on your own.
Transitions: Common after-effects – what you may be feeling and/or experiencing. Transitions: Where to go for help… Transitions: How to Start Feeling Better

Posting Sexually Explicit Pictures Online

Remember that if you send or post a picture of anything electronically, you have little or no control of what will happen with that image.


Before you send an electronic image it is a good idea to ask this question:

“Am I comfortable with having everyone in my family seeing this?”

If the answer is no, you may want to reconsider sending it. Remember, sometimes that picture you think is cute or sexy or funny can be used in harmful ways. 

If you or someone you know needs help regarding harmful images/videos that have been posted online visit